Within King’s Park and Botanical Gardens here in Perth there is a little area that is closed off, I am talking about the Rio Tinto Naturescape. Technically, the area was built for children between the ages of 6 and 12. There are many “jungle gym” type areas that are meant to show children what it is like to live in the bushland. Now, it is obvious that neither Cody or I are in that age range and neither is Anne. BUT, we had a great time there and I strongly urge you all to check it out.

The park has a couple of these tree hides. They’re about three stories high and you climb up through the ladder you see Anne on in this photo. This doesn’t really give you a great view of it’s height, but trust me, it’s high. More so, the view from the top is rather nice. 
Our favorite part of the course is this intense rope course that is hidden away in the trees. Honestly, it’s probably not intense at all, but for us three (especially when we’re together) it was hard. However, also incredibly fun and funny. 


This may be my favorite photo of Anne…ever. 
There is also a hidden away wetland within the park that was home to a  frog or two. 
I want to end with this beautiful picture of delicate flowers. 

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